A 21st Century Marketing Strategy Requires Cross-Device Measurement: Article 2 of 2

September 27, 2016 mogoarts

In The Multi-Device World of the Digital Omnivore: Part 1 of 2, we talked about the rise of the digital omnivore and some of the measurement challenges associated with mobile devices and multi-device user behavior.  Next, we’ll take a closer look at the digital advertising industry’s current cross-device measurement (reporting) technology and why it’s bound to be a game-changer.

Google Becomes the Industry Standard

Traditionally, technology and media platforms could only track conversion events back to a single device using 3rd party cookies.  As you can imagine, this creates insurmountable challenges when an ad is served to a patron on one device and that same patron uses another device to complete the intended action, like a ticket purchase.  Until very recently, marketers were unable to track this sort of conversion event, and because of this, the entire advertising industry has been undercounting campaign conversions. Many times a substantial amount of up to 40% are uncounted (in extreme cases), based on a review of of 100+ Mogo digital campaigns.

Over the past few years, a number of forward-thinking tech companies, including Google and Facebook, began work on cross-device measurement solutions.  Both of these tech titans rolled out their cross-device measurement solutions within the last 15 months.

Unlike DoubleClick Campaign Manager (Google’s 3rd party ad server), Facebook’s Atlas ad server currently has rather minimal market penetration. In July of this year, Google rolled out cross-device measurement and reporting to DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM), which immediately created a huge amount of buzz within the digital advertising industry. Taking DCM’s dominant position as the leading 3rd party ad server into consideration, it’s really no surprise that Google’s cross-device measurement technology has become the industry standard, against which all other vendors are benchmarked.

Cross-Device Measurement Improves Marketing Strategy

The DoubleClick Digital Marketing Suite is the same technology that many of the world’s largest brands and their agencies use to serve ads and measure the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns. Organizations, which lack the insights derived from cross-device reporting, will inevitably waste large sums of media dollars based on an outdated media plan and marketing strategy. The average American now spends more time per day on their mobile devices compared to desktops/laptops (eMarketer). Using 3rd party cookies, one’s ability to track conversions across devices and in mobile environments is severely inhibited.  This mobile blindspot is largely to blame for brands’ unwillingness to invest in channels like mobile, which have limited measurement capabilities (How does traditional media get away with this?!).

Delivering Actionable Insights with Cross-Device Measurement

A real world case often best exemplifies how these types of situations play out. The Tech Museum of Innovation is a MogoARTS client who is located in the heart of Silicon Valley. The Tech’s typical patron tends to skew younger in age; many are parents with young children, young adults, and teens visiting the museum. These demographic segments tend to be heavier users of mobile devices. Using the DoubleClick adserver cross-device measurement, MogoARTS was able to attribute an additional 25.5% in conversions (online ticket sales), and 38.6% more site visits. We were amazed to find out that 45% of all site visits involved a mobile device at some point during the consumer’s eventual visit to the Tech’s website.  MogoARTS shared these insights with The Tech Museum, and recommended that mobile become a vital component of the their programmatic media campaigns.

Want to get all the details about the Tech Museum campaign above?  Be sure to check out the case study on the Tech Museum’s Cyber Detectives campaign.

MogoARTS utilizes the Google DoubleClick Digital Marketing suite as the foundation of our product offering. To learn more about how this advanced technology can help your organization drive conversions and revenue, contact us at hello@mogoartsmarketing.com

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